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Additional information: Stanka Miljković,  Public Relations, phone ++385 1/610 60 65,  fax ++385 1/610 93 21, e-mail:pre-pošta HZN

26 September 2006

HZN awarded for PR work

This year's PR Round Table, organized by CEN, the European Committee for Standardization, and CENELEC, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, was held on 14 and 15 September 2006 in Stockholm, Sweden under the auspices of the CEN Swedish Member Body (SIS).

The theme of the Round Table was „Building Bridges: Communication as a tool to boost interest in standardization“.

CEN and CENELEC gave for the 2nd time its PR awards for excellent performance in promoting standardization in six categories.

CEN/CENELEC's PR award in the category 'Best contribution of Affiliate' was given to the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN). The prize was handed over to Ms. Stanka MIljković, PR Manager at HZN.

The jury was composed of CEN Communication Manager, CENELEC Communication Manager and CENELEC Communication Officer and SIS Director Corporate Communications.

The prize in the category 'Best annual report' was awarded to the Slovenian Institute for Standardization (SIST), 'Best brochure' and 'Best website contribution' to the British Standards Institution (BSI), 'Best promotion of CEN and CENELEC' to the Österreichisches Normungsinstitut (ON) and ‘Best contribution of Young Member’ to the Romanian Standards Association (ASRO).

HZN at Zagreb International Autumn Fair (19 – 24 September)

At this year's Zagreb International Autumn Fair the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN) presented its new promotional materials, informational and technical publications, new Croatian standards, HZN bulletin (HZN Glasilo) and other materials in the field of standardization, contributing to a series of interesting contents and new themes within the project „Hrvatska – društvo znanja“ („Croatia – Knowledge Society“).

The Project was started by the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship and the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports based on the needs and interests of the economy. The idea was to present in one place the activities of institutions and business associations aimed at the application of knowledge in the economy with a view to increasing competitiveness and creating conditions for operating on the integral European market.

With its presence HZN has enriched the contents of the Fair and improved the awareness of professional and wider public in the field of standardization.

The exhibition area of HZN was visited by Ministers Dragan Primorac and Branko Vukelić, as well as by the Assistant Minister at the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship and Deputy Chairman of HZN Administrative Board Ivan Bračić. In the presence of HZN Temporary Director Snježana Zima all of them have supported the past activities of HZN, as well as the future development of Croatian standardization and work of HZN.

8 September 2006


First HZN Annual Report

In order to continuously present national standardization activities to Croatian and foreign public, the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN) has issued its first Annual Report for 2005. It covers the developments, activities and work results in the period from the beginning of HZN operations on 1 July 2005 to 31 December 2005.

HZN Annual Report is printed bilingually, in Croatian and English. It is available to all interested persons at the Croatian Standards Institute.

12 October 2005



Each year the World Standards Day is celebrated globally with a specific theme and message sent by the heads of the international organizations for standardization  ISO (International Organization for Standardization), IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) i ITU (International Telecommunication Union) to their member organizations with a slogan, posters and corresponding media coverage.

The CROATIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTE (HZN) as the national member of the international organizations for standardization celebrates the World Standards Day in the Republic of Croatia, thus joining this practice of paying tribute to the thousands of experts worldwide who contribute to the creation and development of standards on all levels.The theme of this year's World Standards Day celebrated on 14 October 2005 is - STANDARDS FOR A SAFER WORLD - Message from ISO, IEC and ITU

8 September 2005


CROATIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTE (HZN) – presentation to the public

The Croatian Standards Institute has organized an event at which new institutions and the strategy of the development of Croatian standardization will be presented to the public.
The event takes place on Friday at 11:00 a.m. at Ulica grada Vukovara 78, east entrance to the building, big hall.


On the same day the Public invitation for membership in the Croatian Standards Institute will be published...

12 July 2005


CROATIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTE (HZN) – new independent public institution - started its operations

The Croatian Standards Institute (HZN) is a new public institution in the Republic of Croatia established by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Croatia (NN154/04. and NN44/05.) as the national standards body for the activities and tasks of national standardization.

The Croatian Standards Institute started operations on 1 July 2005.
The seat of the Croatian Standards Institute is in Zagreb, Ulica grada Vukovara 78.

With the establishment of the Croatian Standards Institute a part of the requirements from the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and the European Communities and their Member States in the area of technical harmonization has been fulfilled…