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10 April 2013

Regular annual audit of quality management system and self-assessment of the National Standards Body

The Croatian Standards Institute had its quality management system certified for the first time in 2009. Recertification was carried out in 2012 according to the requirements of HRN EN ISO 9001:2009.

Regular annual audit was performed in parallel with the self-assessment of the National Standards Body carried out in accordance with the rules of the European Standardization Organizations defined in CEN-CENELEC Guide 20:2012 on 25 March 2013.

21 December 2012

Director General of the Croatian Standards Institute appointed

Mr Miran Škerl, has been nominated as Director General of the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN) by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. This decision became effective on 20 December 2012.

   Mr Škerl’s contact details:
   Tel: +385 1 610 63 25
   Fax:+385 1 610 93 21
   e-mail: miran.skerl@hzn.hr

2 September 2010

Director General of the Croatian Standards Institute appointed

Mr Mirko Vuković, has been nominated as Director General of the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN) by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. This decision became effective on 1 July 2010.

   Mr Vuković’s contact details:
   Tel: +385 1 610 63 25
   Fax:+385 1 610 93 21
   e-mail: mirko.vukovic@hzn.hr

15 January 2010

New Acting Director of the Croatian Standards Institute Appointment

We are pleased to inform you that Mr Mirko Vuković, has been appointed as Acting Director of the Croatian Standards Institute by the decision of the Administrative Board of the HZN.
This decision became effective on 8 January 2010.

We are looking forward to our continued successful cooperation.

   Contact details:
   Tel: +385 1 610 63 25
   Fax:+385 1 610 93 21
   e-mail: mirko.vukovic@hzn.hr

3 December 2009

HZN becomes a full member of the CEN and CENELEC

At CENELEC and CEN extraordinary General Assemblies held in Brussels on 16 and 25 November 2009, these organizations' members decided to grant the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN) full membership in CEN and CENELEC as of 1 January 2010.

HZN applied for CEN and CENELEC membership in June this year. The results of an independent assessment have proved that HZN fulfilled all the conditions, falling under its area of responsibility, required for full membership in these European organisations.

Upon becoming a full member of CEN and CENELC, HZN has now reached one of its strategic goals and become a full participant in the European standardization.

By getting fully involved in the European standardization HZN has met one of its obligations from the National Programme for the Accession of the Republic of Croatia into the European Union 2009 and also ensured the fulfilment of one of the conditions required for closing the EU accession negotiations on Chapter 1 – Free Movement of Goods. This is how HZN not only contributes to the conclusion of the accession negotiations in the area of Free Movement of Goods, but also meets one of the pre-requirements for the membership of the Republic of Croatia in the EU.

HZN's full membership in CEN and CENELEC comes as a result of multiannual systematic development of Croatian standardization and its harmonization with European standardization principles, processes and procedures.

This event shall provide new opportunities to Croatian economy, such as active participation in drafting European standards and decision-making concerning their adoption in line with the interests of the Croatian economy.

21 December 2007

ISO course on Marketing and Promotion of International Standards

Pictures taken at the ISO course on Marketing and Promotion of International Standards in Zagreb (2007-12-05 to 2007-12-07) were available until 31 January 2008.

10 December 2007

Internal Rules for Standardization of the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN)

Administrative Board of the Croatian Standards Institute at its 24th session on 18 September 2007 has approved two first parts of the Internal Rules for Standardization of the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN), and at its 25th session on 16 October 2007 has approved 5th and 6th part of these Internal Rules for Standardization.

All these parts of the Internal Rules for Standardization of the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN) are harmonized with the rules of international and European organizations for standardization and the WTO/TBT Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards.

The Internal Rules for Standardization (Unutrašnja pravila za normizaciju – UPN) are primarily designed for HZN employees and technical committees, particularly TC chairmen and technical secretaries, as well as all those involved in the development of draft standards and other publicly available HZN documents.

These rules for the work of Croatian standardization under the general title Internal Rules for Standardization consist of the following parts:
Part 1, Standardization in general, aims and general principles
Part 2, Types of documents and their designation
Part 3, Development and adoption of Croatian standards and other documents
Part 4, Establishment and work of Programming Committees
Part 5, Establishment and work of technical committees
Part 6, Rules for the structure and drafting of Croatian standards and other publicly available documents.

Each of these parts of the Internal Rules has been published as a separate document and assigned a unique designation (UPN).

Users are responsible for correct application of these Rules.

The first part of the Internal Rules, UPN 1 describes standardization activity in general and, in particular, relates aims, principles and procedures applied in the development of standards.

The second part of the Internal Rules, UPN 2 specifies types, degrees of correspondence and designation of publicly available documents of the Croatian Standards Institute which are a result of a project of the Croatian Standards Institute.

The fifth part of the Internal Rules, UPN 5 specifies the structure of HZN technical committees, subcommittees and working groups, their establishment and designation, and principles and procedures applied in their work.

The sixth part of the Internal Rules, UPN 6 sets out the rules for the structure, drafting and presentation of Croatian Standards (HRN) and other normative documents.

Internal rules for standardization are publicly available on the Internet sites of HZN:
Standardization > > Internal rules for standardization


30 July 2007

HZN Annual Report 2006

In order to continuously present national standardization activities to Croatian and foreign public, the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN) has issued Annual Report 2006.

HZN Annual Report is printed bilingually, in Croatian and English. It is available to all interested persons at the Croatian Standards Institute.


2 March 2007

Director General of the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN) appointed

Mr Dragutin Funda, M. Sc. has been nominated Director General of the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN) by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. This decision became effective on 15 February 2007.

Curriculum Vitae

Dragutin Funda, M.Sc. was born on 25 October 1959 in Sestranec, Republic of Croatia. He finished primary school in Lepoglava and secondary school, commercial orientation, in Čakovec. In 1982 he graduated from the Faculty of Education in Rijeka and in 2006 won a master's degree in social sciences, field of educational sciences, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka with the thesis „Application of quality system in school system management“. He is currently working on his doctoral theses.

In 2003 he completed the training for QMS Auditor – ISO 9001:2000 Lead Auditor provided by DNV Knowledge Institute.

Mr Funda headed the project of introducing the ISO 9001:2000 quality management system to the School System Directorate of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and was assistant to the Directorate representative for the introduction of the quality management system to the Ministry. He prepared and adapted record documents and instruments within the project „Introduction of quality management system to secondary schools of Primorje and Gorski Kotar County“.

He co-authored the book „150 Years of Primary School Education in Lepoglava“ and published five articles in the field of quality management system.

Before his appointment as Director General of the Croatian Standards Institute, he was the head of the Department for National Minorities, Strategies and Programs of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.

Mr Funda was the Chairman of the Administrative Board of the Croatian Standards Institute from 19 April 2006 to 15 February 2007.

Mr Funda is married, with one son. He lives in Lepoglava.

9 October 2006

HZN celebrates the World Standards Day and the 100th anniversary of IEC

On the occasion of the World Standards Day and the 100th anniversary of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the Croatian Standards Institute organizes a gathering to take place on 19 October 2006.

This year the World Standards Day is celebrated globally under the theme „Standards: big benefits for small business“.

26 September 2006

HZN awarded for PR work

This year's PR Round Table, organized by CEN, the European Committee for Standardization, and CENELEC, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, was held on 14 and 15 September 2006 in Stockholm, Sweden under the auspices of the CEN Swedish Member Body (SIS).

The theme of the Round Table was
„Building Bridges: Communication as a tool to boost interest in standardization“.

CEN and CENELEC gave for the 2nd time its PR awards for excellent performance in promoting standardization in six categories.

CEN/CENELEC's PR award in the category 'Best contribution of Affiliate' was given to the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN). The prize was handed over to Mrs. Stanka MIljković, PR Senior Adviser at HZN.

The jury was composed of CEN Communication Manager, CENELEC Communication Manager and CENELEC Communication Officer and SIS Director Corporate Communications.

The prize in the category 'Best annual report' was awarded to the Slovenian Institute for Standardization (SIST), 'Best brochure' and 'Best website contribution' to the British Standards Institution (BSI), 'Best promotion of CEN and CENELEC' to the Österreichisches Normungsinstitut (ON) and ‘Best contribution of Young Member’ to the Romanian Standards Association (ASRO).

Ruth Seibicke (CEN), Stanka Miljković (HZN) and Sarah Penny (CENELEC)

Stanka Miljković (HZN), Speranta Stomff (ASRO), Naomi
Cohen (BSI), Johannes Stern (ON) and Vesna Strazisar (SIST)


HZN at Zagreb International Autumn Fair
(19 – 24 September)

At this year's Zagreb International Autumn Fair the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN) presented its new promotional materials, informational and technical publications, new Croatian standards, HZN bulletin (HZN Glasilo) and other materials in the field of standardization, contributing to a series of interesting contents and new themes within the project „Hrvatska – društvo znanja“ („Croatia – Knowledge Society“).

The Project was started by the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship and the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports based on the needs and interests of the economy. The idea was to present in one place the activities of institutions and business associations aimed at the application of knowledge in the economy with a view to increasing competitiveness and creating conditions for operating on the integral European market.

With its presence HZN has enriched the contents of the Fair and improved the awareness of professional and wider public in the field of standardization.

The exhibition area of HZN was visited by Ministers Dragan Primorac and Branko Vukelić, as well as by the Assistant Minister at the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship and Deputy Chairman of HZN Administrative Board Ivan Bračić. In the presence of HZN Temporary Director Snježana Zima all of them have supported the past activities of HZN, as well as the future development of Croatian standardization and work of HZN.

HZN Acting Director Snježana Zima with associates

Minister for Science, Education and Sport, Dragan Primorac at the HZN booth


8 September 2006

First HZN Annual Report

In order to continuously present national standardization activities to Croatian and foreign public, the Croatian Standards Institute (HZN) has issued its first Annual Report for 2005. It covers the developments, activities and work results in the period from the beginning of HZN operations on 1 July 2005 to 31 December 2005.

HZN Annual Report is printed bilingually, in Croatian and English. It is available to all interested persons at the Croatian Standards Institute.


27 May 2006

ISO - International Organization for Standardization and HZN - Croatian Standards Institute have jointly organized
ISO/HZN seminar on HRN EN ISO 22000 - Food Safety Management Systems.

The seminar was held on 26 – 27 June 2006 in the Croatian Standards Institute, Ulica grada Vukovara 78, cinema auditorium.

The seminar was sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Croatian Chamber of Economy and Croatian Food Safety Agency.

Speaker: Dr. Martha Petro-Turza, former secretary of ISO/TC 34.


26 April 2006

By the Decision of the Croatian Government of 20 April 2006 mr. sc. Dragutin Funda has been appointed Chairman of the Administrative Board of the Croatian Standards Institute.


31 March 2006

Important notice
Employees of the Croatian Standards Institute have new e-mail addresses in the following format:
firstname.lastname@hzn.hr   or   firstname.lastname.secondlastname@hzn.hr


9 September 2005


Pursuant to Article 16 of the Law on Standardization («Official Gazette», No. 163/2003), the Temporary Director-General of the Croatian Standards Institute hereby announces a

P U B L I C    I N V I T A T I O N
for membership in the Croatian Standards Institute


All interested legal entities and natural persons are invited to apply for membership in the Croatian Standards Institute (hereinafter: HZN).


In order to fulfill their interests in relation to Croatian standardization, all legal entities and natural persons with their seat or residence in the Republic of Croatia may file their written applications for membership.


Members of HZN shall be members of the Expert Council and have the right to participate in the work of HZN in accordance with the Decree on Establishment («Official Gazette», No. 154/2004, 44/2005), the Statute and other internal regulations on HZN.


Membership in HZN shall be obtained based on a written application for membership and a signed declaration on accepting the principles and rules of HZN. If the declaration on accepting the principles and rules of HZN is not attached to the application form, the application shall not be considered.


Members shall pay a membership fee defined by the Decision on the Amount of the Croatian Standards Institute Membership Fees.


All interested parties are invited to send their written applications for membership to the Croatian Standards Institute, p.p. 167, HR-10002 Zagreb, specifying »MEMBERSHIP IN THE CROATIAN STANDARDS INSTITUTE«, within three months from the publication of this Invitation.
The application form, the declaration on accepting the principles and rules of HZN, the Rules on Membership, the Decision on the Amount of Membership Fees and the Statute are available at HZN (Ulica grada Vukovara 78, Zagreb) and at the Internet address www.hzn.hr.


No.: HZN-8-1/2005-SZ-1
At Zagreb, 9 September 2005
Temporary Director-General
of the Croatian Standards Institute:
Snježana Zima, M.Sc.


application form (.pdf)

the Rules on Membership (.pdf)

Membership Fees  (.pdf)

Statute of HZN (.pdf)