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Aims of standardization

The general aims of standardization follow from the definition of standardization

The aims of standardization are as follows: to make a product, process or service fit for its purpose, controlling variety by using the optimum number of types or sizes, ensuring compatibility of various products, health, safety, protection of the environment, etc.


Principles of standardization

1. Consensus
The basic principle of standardization is consensus.
consensus - general agreement, characterized by the absence of sustained opposition to substantial issues by any important part of the concerned interests and by a process that involves seeking to take into account the views of all parties concerned and to reconcile any conflicting arguments
NOTE: Consensus need not imply unanimity.

2. Involvement of all stakeholders

The democratic procedure of the preparation of standards envisages the involvement of all stakeholders, who have the right to participate in and contribute to the preparation of standards they will voluntarily apply.

3. Openness to the public

The procedure of the preparation of standards must be open to the public from its very beginning and at all its stages. The public must be appropriately informed about the beginning of the preparation of a standard, about the body preparing it, about the document serving as the basis for its preparation and about the preparation stages (public enquiry, issue of the standard).

4. State of the art

State of the art - developed stage of technical capability at a given time based on the relevant consolidated findings of science, technology and experience

5. Coherence of standards collection

A standards collection must be coherent, i.e. must not contain conflicting standards (by the adoption of a new standard on a subject the old standard is withdrawn).