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HRN EN 45020:2004, Standardization and related activities -- General vocabulary (ISO/IEC Guide 2:1996; EN 45020:1998)




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activity of establishing, with regard to actual or potential problems, provisions for common and repeated use, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context
NOTE 1: In particular, the activity consists of the processes of formulating, issuing and implementing standards.
NOTE 2: Important benefits of standardization are improvement of the suitability of products, processes and services for their intended purposes, prevention of barriers to trade and facilitation of technological cooperation.

normative document

document that provides rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results
NOTE 1: The term "normative document" is a generic term that covers such documents as standards, technical specifications, codes of practice and regulations.
NOTE 2: A "document" is to be understood as any medium with information recorded on or in it.
NOTE 3: The terms for different kinds of normative documents are defined considering the document and its content as a single entity.


document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, that provides, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context.
NOTE Standards should be based on the consolidated results of science, technology and experience, and aimed at the promotion of optimum community benefits.

technical specification

document that prescribes technical requirements to be fulfilled by a product, process or service
NOTE 1: A technical specification should indicate, whenever appropriate, the procedure(s) by means of which it may be determined whether the requirements given are fulfilled.
NOTE 2: A technical specification may be a standard, a part of a standard or independent of a standard.

code of practice

document that recommends practices or procedures for the design, manufacture, installation, maintenance or utilization of equipment, structures or products
NOTE: A code of practice may be a standard, a part of a standard or independent of a standard.


document providing binding legislative rules, that is adopted by an authority

technical regulation

regulation that provides technical requirements, either directly or by referring to or incorporating the content of a standard, technical specification or code of practice

NOTE: A technical regulation may be supplemented by technical guidance that outlines some means of compliance with the requirements of the regulation, i.e. deemed-to-satisfy provision.


Bodies responsible for standards


(responsible for standards and regulations) legal or administrative entity that has specific tasks and composition
NOTE: Examples of bodies are organizations, authorities, companies and foundations.


body that is based on the membership of other bodies or individuals and has an established constitution and its own administration

standardizing body

body that has recognized activities in standardization

standards body

standardizing body recognized at national, regional or international level, that has as a principal function, by virtue of its statutes, the preparation, approval or adoption of standards that are made available to the public
NOTE: A standards body may also have other principal functions.

national standards body

standards body recognized at the national level, that is eligible to be the national member of the corresponding international and regional standards organizations

National standards body in the Republic of Croatia is

Some national standards bodies:

regional standardizing organization

standardizing organization whose membership is open to the relevant national body from each country within one specific geographical, political or economic area only

regional standards organization

standards organization whose membership is open to the relevant national body from each country within one geographical, political or economic area only

Example: European standardization

European organizations for standardization:

international standardizing organization

standardizing organization whose membership is open to the relevant national body from every country

international standards organization

standards organization whose membership is open to the relevant national body from every country

The most famous international organizations for standardization:

Types of standards

basic standard

standard that has a wide-ranging coverage or contains general provisions for one particular field
NOTE: A basic standard may function as a standard for direct application or as a basis for other standards.

terminology standard

standard that is concerned with terms, usually accompanied by their definitions, and sometimes by explanatory notes, illustrations, examples, etc.

testing standard

standard that is concerned with test methods, sometimes supplemented with other provisions related to
testing such as sampling, use of statistical methods, sequence of tests

product standard

standard that specifies requirements to be fulfilled by a product or a group of products, to establish its
fitness for purpose
NOTE 1: A product standard may include in addition to the fitness for purpose requirements, directly or by reference, aspects such as terminology, sampling, testing, packaging and labelling and, sometimes, processing requirements.
NOTE 2: A product standard can be either complete or not, according to whether it specifies all or only a part of the necessary requirements. In this respect, one may differentiate between standards such as dimensional, material, and technical delivery standards.

process standard

standard that specifies requirements to be fulfilled by a process, to establish its fitness for purpose

service standard

standard that specifies requirements to be fulfilled by a service, to establish its fitness for purpose
NOTE: Service standards may be prepared in fields such as laundering, hotel-keeping, transport, car-servicing, telecommunications, insurance, banking, trading.

interface standard

standard that specifies requirements concerned with the compatibility of products or systems at their points of interconnection

standard on data to be provided

standard that contains a list of characteristics for which values or other data are to be stated for specifying the product, process or service
NOTE: Some standards, typically, provide for data to be stated by suppliers, others by purchasers.


Levels of standardization

level of standardization

geographical, political or economic extent of involvement in standardization

international standardization

standardization in which involvement is open to relevant bodies from all countries

regional standardization

standardization in which involvement is open to relevant bodies from countries from only one geographical, political or economic area of the world e.g. European standardization

national standardization

standardization that takes place at the level of one specific country
NOTE: Within a country or a territorial division of a country, standardization may also take place on a branch or sectoral basis (e.g. ministries), at local levels, at association and company levels in industry and in individual factories, workshops and offices.


References to standards in regulations

The application of the principle of “references to standards” implies that technical requirements are not incorporated in technical regulations but are given by referencing the standard establishing such requirements.
In this way
- the regulatory process is facilitated and accelerated
- technological progress does not require changes to regulations but only to standards
- the removal of barriers to trade is facilitated
- the application of technical regulations is ensured more efficiently; by referencing identical, jointly defined international standards, differences among national technical regulations of different countries are removed.

reference to standards (in regulations)

reference to one or more standards in place of detailed provisions within a regulation
NOTE 1: A reference to standards is either dated, undated or general, and at the same time either exclusive or indicative.
NOTE 2: A reference to standards may be linked to a more general legal provision referring to the state of the art or
acknowledged rules of technology. Such a provision may also stand alone.

precision of reference:

1. dated reference (to standards)
reference to standards that identifies one or more specific standards in such a way that later revisions of the standard or standards are not to be applied unless the regulation is modified
NOTE: The standard is usually identified by its number and either date or edition. The title may also be given.

2. undated reference (to standards)
reference to standards that identifies one or more specific standards in such a way that later revisions of the standard or standards are to be applied without the need to modify the regulation
NOTE: The standard is usually identified only by its number. The title may also be given.

3. general reference (to standards)
reference to standards that designates all standards of a specified body and/or in a particular field without identifying them individually

strength of reference:

1. exclusive reference (to standards)
reference to standards that states that the only way to meet the relevant requirements of a technical regulation is to comply with the standard(s) referred to

2. indicative reference (to standards)
reference to standards that states that one way to meet the relevant requirements of a technical regulation is to comply with the standard(s) referred to
NOTE: An indicative reference to standards is a form of deemed-to-satisfy provision.

mandatory standard

standard the application of which is made compulsory by virtue of a general law or exclusive reference in a regulation